Contractor's Staff Requirements

(Issued: March 2014 /  Reviewed: June 2022 + Fm.Co.A.70.06)

If you have any questions regarding this checklist and declaration, please  phone  02 6043 9867 .

Staff Member's Details

Confidentiality Agreement

Every resident/service user and staff member has a right to expect that the information collected about them is used only for the purpose for which it was collected and Westmont Aged Care Services Ltd (Westmont) has the right to expect that their commercial interests are protected.

It is an express condition of contract engagement that all contractors/suppliers maintain as Commercial in Confidence all information regarding Westmont during the term of contract engagement and subsequent to any term of contract engagement (no matter what the reason for any cessation).

This confidentiality agreement includes the release to another person or persons of information, or the use of information, regarding the organisation’s processes, resident or service users details/photos or any other operational, financial or intellectual information that is the property of, or is specifically used by Westmont, its Associates, Suppliers, Residents or Service Users.

This organisation is required to collect information from residents/service users or their representatives in order to provide appropriate services to that individual. The information we need is referred to as personal and sensitive information under the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. Basically any information which can identify a person is called personal information. Specific information about an individual including sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, religious belief/affiliation or health information including behavioural is called sensitive information.

In the course of your contractor/supplier work, you, or an employee of your organisation, may be involved in the collection of this type of information and you will have access to such information on residents/service users and their families. This information must be kept confidential at all times.

The names of residents/service users, all information about them and information on the services they are receiving must not be disclosed or discussed with other residents/service users, family members or other people not involved in the provision of services to that person.

You may only release information on a resident/service user to:

  • that resident/service user

  • other health professionals where required\

  • any family member designated as “the person responsible” by the resident/service user or their legal guardian

Permission from Westmont’s Director of Care/CEO or Community Care Manager has to be obtained before releasing any such information.

A proven breach of confidentiality is a serious betrayal of trust and may lead to immediate termination of contract and in some cases civil action. In signing this Agreement you acknowledge that you understand, and you have made known to your employees, your, and their duties to maintain confidentiality in regards to both the residents/service users and the organisation and you agree that you will not obtain, use or disclose information in any way which is contrary to the conditions set out above.

Code of Conduct for Aged Care Declaration

Declaration - The Code of Conduct for Aged Care (Code)

The Code of Conduct includes eight elements that describes behaviours expected of aged care workers, providers and governing persons.

The purpose of the Code is to:

  • create expectations of foundational behaviour that all consumers can expect from their providers, aged care workers and governing persons

  • place obligations relating to behaviour on individuals, thereby giving the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) a mechanism by which to respond to behaviour that falls below what is expected by the Code and to directly engage with aged care workers and governing persons about their conduct.

The Code is supported by several complementary requirements, set out in law.  Collectively these requirements are designed to ensure the provision of safe and quality care.  For example: The Quality Standards, The Charter of Aged Care Rights and The Quality of Care Principles.

By signing this declaration, you agree to abide by the Code.

When providing care, supports and services to people, I must:

  • act with respect for people’s rights to freedom of expression, self determination and decision-making in accordance with applicable laws and conventions

  • act in a way that treats people with dignity and respect, and values their diversity

  • act with respect for the privacy of people

  • provide care, supports and services in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill

  • act with integrity, honesty, and transparency

  • promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of care, supports and services

  • Provide care, supports and services free from:
    i. all forms of violence, discrimination, exploitation, neglect and abuse
    ii. sexual misconduct

Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to:
        i. all forms of violence, discrimination, exploitation, neglect and abuse

        ii. sexual misconduct

Supporting Documentation

Please note that ALL the listed documentation will be required for all contractors and their staff providing services to Westmont clients.

Max file size: 3MB per file. Accepted file types only: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, jpeg.


Staff Member's Declaration

I confirm that I have read Westmont’s Community Care Contractor’s Handbook and am aware of my role and responsibilities when providing goods and services to Westmont clients.

(please check the box for each true statement)

SIGNED for by the individual staff member representing the stated Organisation


Draw signature|Type signatureClear
Draw signature|Type signatureClear

If you have any questions regarding this checklist and declaration, please contact the Quality, Compliance and Volunteer Coordinator via email  or phone  02 6043 9867 .